

Matriculated students planning to take courses over the summer at 博彩平台养 may be eligible for limited amounts and types of financial aid through the following programs:

  • 联邦直接学生和家长贷款
  • 私人学生贷款
  • 联邦佩尔助学金


学生 are highly encouraged to plan summer expenses prior to the end of the spring 每年学期. 有些学生可能有剩余的未使用的援助 time, but no longer have that eligibility once the 学期结束了. 只有学生 meeting the minimum enrollment requirements can be considered for aid once the spring 学期结束了.


博彩平台养的夏季学期是新学年的预告片. 这意味着联邦政府 loan amounts will be limited to funds remaining within the annual limits for each program that were not 使用 during the preceding fall and spring semesters. 夏天 courses are offered in what are called modules, or segments which do not span the 整个夏季学期的长度.


Special regulations now allow for Pell-eligible students to receive more than 100% of a scheduled Pell Grant 奖 for a single year if certain criteria have been met.  For summer enrollment, these 奖s can be from either the academic year before or 在夏季学期之后,被称为“交叉”期. 如果可能的话,学习 year 使用 for the funds should be based on what is most beneficial for the student.  This determination will be made by the Office of 金融援助 based on various criteria 和注意事项.  请注意,一学年需要有效的FAFSA 使用.  If a student has only completed a FAFSA for one year, only that year can be 考虑可能的资助.

学生 receiving summer Pell Grants should be sure to note in which academic year 援助包赠款被授予.  不同时期的入学要求不同 in which a student is receiving funding in excess of 100% of a scheduled 奖.  In order to receive any Pell Grant funding in excess of 100% of the scheduled 奖, a student must be enrolled in at least 6 degree-applicable credits (half-time enrollment).  If summer Pell is 奖ed from the preceding school year, a student may not qualify for funding in the following spring if the number of degree-applicable credits is 少于6.  It is the student's responsibility to carefully plan their enrollment and notify the Office of 金融援助 if a summer Pell Grant 奖 could cause difficulty 将来在同一学年获得资格.

Example 1: A student receives 2018-2019年佩尔助学金 school year based on full-time enrollment for both the fall 2018 and spring 2019 semesters.  这将 use 100% of the student's scheduled 奖, 50% for each semester.  佩尔助学金 from the 2018-2019 school year could also be 奖ed for the summer 2019 term as long as the student is enrolled at least half-time in degree-applicable courses (6 credits).

Example 2: A student receives 2018-2019年佩尔助学金 school year based 2018年夏季和2018年秋季学期全日制招生.  这将使用100% 学生的计划奖励,每学期的50%.  2018-2019年佩尔助学金 school year could also be 奖ed for the Spring 2019 term as long as the student is enrolled at least half-time in degree-applicable courses (6 credits).


In order to potentially qualify for summer aid, students must meet minimum degree-applicable 入学要求如下:

贷款/格兰特 招生
联邦直接学生和家长贷款 半场(通常6学分)
私人学生贷款 贷款人决定
联邦佩尔助学金(0-100%使用*) 不到半场时间(1-5学分)
联邦佩尔助学金(100% - 150%使用*) 半场(通常6学分)


*One term of Pell Grant eligibility at full-time enrollment uses 50% of a scheduled 奖.  At lower enrollment levels that percentage is pro-rated: half-time enrollment 使用25%等等.


学生 seeking financial aid for summer enrollment should complete a 暑期助学金申请 (可在布雷大厅的财政援助办公室领取)  在列出的截止日期之前,必须有一个有效的 FAFSA(免费申请联邦学生援助) 在文件. 请不要通过电子邮件发送任何个人信息.  应交付应用程序 in-person, mailed, faxed, or uploaded with the document exchange function available from the financial aid section of the My养 portal (student accounts only).


学生 will be notified of eligibility for federal aid sources with an amended financial 援助计划. Notifications of amendments are sent electronically to campus e-mail 地址和可通过 My养学生门户网站. 学生 who are not eligible for federal aid will be notified either electronically 或者写下来. 学生 seeking funds from alternative student loans are responsible 直接与他们选择的贷款机构合作.


援助 funds will only be disbursed to student accounts once the student has started enough courses in the summer to reach the minimum enrollment requirements. 请注意, summer aid funds may not be disbursed until after a bill is due in many cases. 


学生 who fail to begin each of their scheduled classes during the full summer term may be considered to have withdrawn from the term and could be required to return 已收到的资金. 这可能发生在以下场景:

  • After starting summer classes, a student completely ceases attendance prior to the 课程结束.
  • Example: a student starts enrollment in two 3-credit courses in the first summer module, but stops attending those classes prior to the scheduled end date.
  • After starting and finishing some summer courses, a student drops a later scheduled 课程,但目前没有参加任何课程.
  • Example: a student plans to take two 3-credit courses in the first summer module and one 3-credit course in the last summer module, with a 打破 between the modules. 的 student completes the first two courses, and then drops the third course during the 打破.

In order to avoid complications in these scenarios, students are highly encouraged 要做到以下几点:

  • Make summer course changes only while still attending classes in the first module 计划出席.
  • Avoid scheduling classes if there is any uncertainty that the student will actually 报名参加这些课程.